Denver Broncos blog, news and rumors
AP Photo/David Zalubowski

AP Photo/David Zalubowski

The thought of both Jay Cutler and Brandon Marshall wearing a different shade of orange and blue in 2009 is enough to make most Denver Broncos fans cringe. With the recent Marshall trade drama, the scenario isn’t entirely unlikely.

Cutler, now a member of the Chicago Bears, is aware of this. Never one afraid to speak his mind, Cutler spoke highly of Marshall in an interview with the Newport News (Va.) Daily Press Tuesday, sounding hopeful the higher-ups in Chicago would look at bringing in Marshall. Quotes after the jump. Click here to read the rest of this entry »

Published on Tue Jun 23 10:54.   64 Comments |
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Photo by Pei-Pei Ketron

Photo by Pei-Pei Ketron

Have a case of the Bronco Blues?
Does the possibility of losing two young Pro Bowlers in one off-season have you down in the dumps?

Broncos Nation, do yourself a favor and listen to this interview with Champ Bailey. Feel better knowing that we still have this man. A consummate professional. A leader on the field and in the locker room. Our young players have to look no further. The attitude and approach that Champ has taken with the changes the team is going through is superb, and simple when you stop and think about it.

After hearing the news of Brandon wanting a trade, like most of you, I felt sick, vomiting a little in my mouth. I felt lost. Disoriented, like the first time you play laser tag and don’t really know what’s going on, but pretend you do as to avoid humiliation. I needed a friend, or a big bowl of chicken soup with some saltines. Champ Bailey can be that friend. Champ Bailey can be those saltines.

Listen. Warm yourself up. Feel a little bit better Bronco Nation, just a little bit.

Published on Fri Jun 19 11:03.   49 Comments |
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Jay Cutler launches a pass to Brandon Marshall.  (Joe Mahoney/RMN Photo)

Jay Cutler launches a pass to Brandon Marshall. The Broncos might lose both players now that Marshall has asked for a trade. (Joe Mahoney/RMN Photo)

No matter your opinion of Jay Cutler and his exodus from Mile High Country, you’ll never convince me that the situation couldn’t have been handled better. Now, the Broncos have the opportunity to do just that.

Here we sit, three months later, and Josh McDaniels and Pat Bowlen are facing a similar situation with another young Pro Bowler, Brandon Marshall. Marshall has asked to be traded. Marshall has said his goodbye to the fans.

You know what I say? Let him talk. Keep #15 in Denver.

If you take McDaniels’ comments at face value, it appears the Broncos intend to do just that. “(We) are going to continue our dialogue with Brandon and his representative,” McDaniels told the Associated Press. “We look forward to having Brandon at training camp.”

This is the only resolution that comes with a happy ending in my mind. Trading Marshall comes with too much collateral damage – not only will it be hard to get equal value with draft picks, but trading two pouty Pro Bowlers at their behest sends the wrong message to the team. Don’t let the tail wag the dog, McD. Take control. Click here to read the rest of this entry »

Published on Thu Jun 18 12:58.   54 Comments |
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Casey Wiegmann

Denver Broncos fans can breathe a sigh of relief. At least one 2008 Pro Bowler will be returning to the team in 2009.

Center Casey Wiegmann, who announced he would consider retirement if left only with the final year of the contract he signed with the Broncos in 2008, signed a new two-year agreement with the club Wednesday, it was announced, locking up the Pro Bowler through 2010.

“We are very excited that we were able to negotiate an extension for Casey Wiegmann,” Head Coach Josh McDaniels said. “The professionalism and leadership he showed throughout this process was outstanding. He was here every day working hard during our mini camps and conditioning program. Maintaining the continuity of our offensive line was a big priority for us, and we are very fortunate to have a Pro Bowl center like Casey Wiegmann as part of this organization.”

The 35-year-old Wiegmann was scheduled to be paid the veteran minimum this season, around $800,000. Per club policy, terms of the new deal were not disclosed.

Wiegmann played exceptionally well last season. I’m thrilled he’ll be sticking around for at least another season. Press release after the jump.

Click here to read the rest of this entry »

Published on Wed Jun 17 12:32.   22 Comments |
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Boss Bailey

A year after joining the Denver Broncos‘ linebacker corps, Boss Bailey isn’t making the cut.

Multiple sources are reporting that Bailey has been released by the Broncos, putting a premature ending to a Bailey Brothers campaign that was expected to bolster the Broncos defense for years but lasted only six games. The seven-year veteran signed a five-year, $17.5 million deal with the Broncos in 2008, with $8 million coming in the first two years of the contract.

The Broncos also reportedly released linebacker and long-time special teams ace Louis Green on Tuesday. Green was a special teams standout after signing with the Broncos as an unrestricted free agent in 2004.

It must be noted that the Broncos have yet to confirm either roster move.

There’s a lot to take from these moves, assuming they’re true. First, the old regime really did have trouble evaluating defensive talent to sign and keep these veterans while the new staff cuts them before training camp. Second, the development of young guns like Elvis Dumervil, Tim Crowder, and yes, even Jarvis Moss at linebacker must be showing some promise for this coaching staff to feel comfortable enough to make these cuts. I can’t wait to see how the defense looks come training camp.

Published on Wed Jun 17 10:57.   27 Comments |
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Brandon Marshall

Brandon Marshall has asked for a trade from the Denver Broncos. If you listen to him or his agent, his wish is going to be granted.

On his official site, in a blog post titled “Clearing the Air…”, Marshall writes:

To whom it may concern. Life is filled with change, and where I am in my life now change is probably best. It’s hard leaving an organization ran by one of the best owners in all of sports, and someone who’s been there for me through my ups and downs. The hardest thing was hearing Mr. B wish me luck in the future, but we both came to the conclusion that this is probably the best thing for me to grow on and off the field.

I thank the Denver fans who embraced my emotion and play on the field and showing me love every time I step outside my door.

So, according to Marshall and his agent, his meeting with Owner Pat Bowlen left little question as to his future with the team: there is none. Meanwhile, Head Coach Josh McDaniels told the Denver Post that discussions will continue, and he expects Marshall in training camp.

Who’s running the show here, Bowlen or McDaniels? We may soon find out…

Should Brandon Marshall be traded? Click here to take the poll »

Published on Tue Jun 16 16:04.   71 Comments |
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Brandon Marshall (Reuters Photo)

Brandon Marshall (Reuters Photo)

UPDATE: The Denver Post reports that conversations between the Broncos and Marshall will continue. McDaniels‘ response: “We met after Pat’s meeting with Brandon and are going to continue our dialogue with Brandon and his representative. We look forward to having Brandon at training camp.”

*Update:  The Ravens are seriously looking into the background of Marshall to possibly propose a trade.  Apparently the going rate for Brandon is a 1st and a 3rd round draft pick.

NFL Fanhouse is reporting that Pat Bowlen is granting Brandon Marshall’s request to be traded from the Broncos.

“Yes there was a meeting between Brandon, and Mr. Bowlen. There was a request for a trade. Mr. Bowlen has said that ownership will do everything in it’s power to accommodate his wishes,” said Marshall’s agent Kennard McGuire to Fox31 Sports’ Josina Anderson Tuesday morning.

Still no official word on this out of the front office and this does need to be taken with a grain of salt coming for Josina Anderson and her past sketchy reporting of player issues.  The Marcus Thomas rumors last season come to mind.  More to come as it’s released, poll after the jump.

Click here to read the rest of this entry »

Published on Tue Jun 16 14:35.   38 Comments |
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Folks, Adam Schefter reported this one. During their meeting on friday Brandon Marshall asked owner Pat Bowlen for a trade. Bowlen asked Marshall to consider whether he wants an extension or a trade, and according to PFT, “Marshall is expected to stick to his guns.” Wow. I’m speechless… sort of.

I’m not too mad about this because of all the problems Marshall presents to the team. However I will be furious if he goes to the Bears. If Marshall is traded, at least Denver is guaranteed an increase in original value seeing how he was a 4th round pick. Denver could lose a diva of a QB and a trouble maker of a wideout this offseason. Man the other blogs will definitely say Denver is done for if Marshall leaves. More to come.

What do you think Denver? Should Brandon Marshall be traded?

Published on Mon Jun 15 13:13.   108 Comments |
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Head coach Josh McDaniels officially named Kyle Orton the 2009 starting quarterback for the Broncos Saturday as they prepared for the final day of mandatory off-season workouts coming up tomorrow.  Orton had been battling with former Bucs QB Chris Simms.  McDaniels felt that naming Orton the starter in June will help him develop throughout training camp being “the guy” rather than battling for starting spot.

“There’s a lot of difficult aspects about what we ask our quarterback to do in our offense and Kyle has really grasped some of them more quickly than Chris did”

McDaniels did go on to say that he told Kyle that this is in no way set in stone and that there are no roster locks at this point in the year and he will have to continue to play well throughout camp:

“I just think it puts them in a little bit of a pressure situation where now one of them has it and has to keep it and the other one has to get it,”

“They’re still going to compete with each other and I expect the competition to be the same that it’s been. They both have great attitudes and know that nothing’s determined in June.”

This call by the new coach definitely makes sense.  Naming Orton the starter going in before camp start will allow Kyle become more familiar with the offense and get a better feel for the guys he’ll be throwing to on Sunday.  Sounds like McDaniels did not want any sort of QB controversy through camp, putting that drama to rest right away.

Published on Sat Jun 13 15:31.   25 Comments |
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Peyton Manning, Kerry Collins and Brandon Marshall during Pro Bowl Week in Hawaii last February.

Peyton Manning, Kerry Collins and Brandon Marshall during Pro Bowl Week in Hawaii last February.

Broncos wide receiver Brandon Marshall was a no-show this morning to the mandatory off-season workouts.

Although Marshall would not have been able to participate in the workouts, he is required to rehabilitate with Bronco trainers.

Marshall has expressed discontent with the training staff in Denver, after they had misdiagnosed the severity of his injury.

Denver’s young receiver is in the city however and is scheduled to meet with Broncos owner Pat Bowlen this afternoon. Head coach Josh McDaniels is expected to comment on Marshall following practice.

We will keep you posted Nation as the story continues.

Published on Fri Jun 12 09:59.   58 Comments |
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