Posted Fri Mar 21st by Josh Temple
Alright, after seeing the Elam news and posting it, I’ve had a few minutes to let it sink in. Wow, I’m making this sound like a tragic death or something, but it’s going to be strange to see #1 in the black and red. With that, I think it would be awesome to post each […]
First off, let me apologize for being absent all of last week. My whole household came down with the flu and spent the week in bed sick – next year, it’s flu shots for everyone! So I missed posting something last week to continue our conversations about our collective fan experiences. To catch everyone up, […]
In our weekly chat with fellow fans we have covered your fan-history and your gameday viewing tendencies. But now I want to know something much more personal…. IMAGINE THIS: The Broncos are down by 6 points… there’s only 1:32 left in the fourth quarter… we have the ball on our own 5 yardline…. Jay Cutler […]
In our first SPEAK UP post I asked you all to give us a bit of background info into your personal Broncos fan story. In the responses of that post, I was reminded of how many of our readers are not necessarily from the Denver area. And as a Broncos fan currently residing in Knoxville, […]
Despite the rumors that there is a least one remaining game left in the 2007 season, I am now firmly in off-season mode. And what better way to begin the long dark months without a broncos football game, then to get to know your fellow fans? Kyle, Earl and I have really appriciated all of […]
Published on 03/21/2008 at Fri Mar 21 15:44. 3 Comments
Filed under SPEAK UP