Posted Wed May 2nd by Monty
Highlights of all seven Denver Broncos draft choices. [] Bill Barnwell praises the Broncos’ additions of tight ends Jacob Tamme and Joel Dreessen as difference-makers this NFL offseason. [Grantland] Jabar Gaffney: no longer a Washington Redskin. [] Jacoby Jones, noted playoff punt-dropper, no longer a Houston Texan. The Broncos would do well to look at […]
This is an opinion piece of the writer and doesn’t necessarily reflect the feelings of BroncoTalk and/or the other writers on staff. We’re now entering the heavy pre-draft season in the NFL world, and every site, blog, twitter account, and message board is talking about their favorite team’s draft plans.  That or creating mock drafts, or talking […]
Posted Sat Sep 11th by Mr.East
Just exactly how many sacks will Sam Bradford endure this Sunday? The rookie has looked like the real deal, but will it transition to the regular season? Darnell Dockett would sure like to welcome him to the NFL. Mike Singletary has quietly been putting together one of the toughest and meanest defenses in the NFL, […]
Posted Tue Dec 1st by Mr.East
My power rankings are fittingly named the ‘Tentative Ten’ because every week it’s subject to change, and erratically at that. Also featured is a Rookie, Defensive, and Offensive Player of the Year Watch, and a Coach of the Year Watch, and Movie to watch this week. 1. New Orleans Saints (11-0) The Saints put the […]
Published on 05/02/2012 at Wed May 02 08:18. 9 Comments
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