Posted Sun Apr 17th by Ian Henson
Twenty-six hundred, that’s what the Denver Broncos second overall pick in the first round is worth on the NFL draft value chart. That’s a lot of points. Probably more points than anyone is willing to give up in order for the Broncos to trade back. Usually the gap in compensation is made up for by […]
Posted Fri Apr 1st by Ian Henson
John Elway gave an interview yesterday to Denver’s 104.3 The Fan and in it had more than a few gems. Elway talked everything from team needs to the draft to why the Denver Broncos may actually take a quarterback in the draft. Elway began by praising the new head coach of the Denver Broncos John […]
Posted Fri Apr 1st by Jon Heath
Broncos defensive lineman Ben Garland won’t enter pilot training for the Air Force in hopes of pursuing a playing career with the Denver Broncos, who are still interested in his services. [Colorado Springs Gazette] The team’s official site has all of Denver’s picks (and how they acquired them) in one easy-to-access place, be sure to […]
Posted Mon Mar 21st by Ian Henson
Pat Bowlen has been targeted by the likes of the Denver Post‘s Woody Paige, ProFootballTalk‘s Greg Rosenthall and West Word‘s Alan Prendergast as being a man who is not in his right mind. A man who has stepped back in his day-to-day management of the Denver Broncos. Now, I have a New York reporter chiming […]
Posted Tue Mar 15th by Ian Henson
UPDATED 3/16/11 @ 12:45 EST Well, The Denver Post did not update today, so fans of the Denver Broncos have had limited sources for information and entertainment. Have no fear, the one sliver of news that has slipped to our thirsty lips is that Washington Huskies quarterback Jake Locker will have a private workout of […]
Posted Sun Dec 12th by Ian Henson
Dear Mr. Pat Bowlen and Mr. Joe Ellis, Before you go and sign someone to coach the Denver Broncos that most of your season ticket holders, fans and supporters will have to Google to figure out who he is, I implore you, I beg you two to sign Bill Cowher as soon as possible to […]
Posted Sat Nov 27th by Ian Henson
Giving up? Not on my life… This time I want you to save me. A brief recap of the Denver Broncos season: I have seen orchestrated perfection, I have seen absolute self implosion– an empire that never was… crumbling. David holding the sling to Goliath’s temple and shouting, “Just kidding!” The team has done absolutely […]
Posted Wed Nov 10th by Ian Henson
Thought I forgot, didn’t you? Nobody noticed? Oh… Day four of our weekly column is here and I am getting it in just in time for a pacific time zone dead line. Hope that you’ve been enjoying and we’ve got a good one for you today! Just for reference here is part one and part […]
Posted Mon Nov 8th by Ian Henson
BroncoTalk is bringing you The Best of the West all week. We’re taking Broncos bloggers from all over the blogosphere and getting their opinions as Denver’s season reaches critical mass. Here’s yesterday’s scenario and replies. Today we talk what every Denver fan has talked about at one point this season– Kyle Orton and Tim Tebow, […]
Hey Friends! BroncoTalk Fam, what is going on? How’s everyone doing? Feeling antsy like me? Counting down the hours until we get a bit of redemption? Wait, wait…let me guess. Anyone worried about the possibility of a 0-2 start? What would be the first 0-2 start since 1999, when Griese was under center and Olandis […]
Published on 04/17/2011 at Sun Apr 17 02:34. 21 Comments
Filed under Broncos Blog