Denver Broncos blog, news and rumors

Denver Broncos Head Coach Josh McDaniels addressed the media before practice Thursday to discuss the situation with Elvis Dumervil. Robert Ayers, Champ Bailey, Mario Haggan, LenDale White, Jarvis Moss, Jamal Williams, and Tim Tebow talked after practice. Their quotes below.

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Published on 08/05/2010 at Thu Aug 05 18:53.   2 Comments
Filed under Quotes

When a star player isn’t participating in practice, it represents an opportunity for someone buried on the depth chart to step up and make a statement.  Today, rookie cornerback Perrish Cox did exactly that. Cox started in place of Champ Bailey, who was missing from this morning’s private session, and finished practice with two interceptions […]

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Published on 08/04/2010 at Wed Aug 04 13:20.   10 Comments
Filed under Broncos Blog

Just announced by the Denver Broncos, outside linebacker Elvis Dumervil has had his contract extended. While the Broncos do not discuss contract terms per club policy, ProFootballTalk citing a ‘source with knowledge’ states the deal is worth $61.5 million over the next six seasons. Dumervil is entering his fifth season and is the only player […]

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Published on 07/22/2010 at Thu Jul 22 22:27.   18 Comments
Filed under Denver Broncos

If the Broncos are to succeed this upcoming season many of their players are going to have to turn it up to eleven. A PSA for everyone before we begin.  No! Not Tim Tebow! Just stop it! Back to your regular scheduled broadcasting. 10. Ronald Fields & Jamal Williams They may be two different players but […]

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Published on 07/13/2010 at Tue Jul 13 13:16.   23 Comments
Filed under Denver Broncos

I wrote an article a few months back before the Marshall trade that detailed my lack luster judgement when it comes to purchasing jerseys. The basic gist is that every player whose jersey I bought has been let go or traded (or retired, damn you Plummer). Every single purchase. It is obvious that I am not capable […]

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Published on 07/09/2010 at Fri Jul 09 09:55.   40 Comments
Filed under Broncos Blog

It’s time for part two of Prediciting Denver’s 45-Man Game Day Roster. This team it’s the defense’s turn. Another year means yet another defensive coordinator, in Don ‘Wink’ Martindale. How much of an effect will that have on roster decisions? With many additions and subtractions from the roster already there are many questions left to […]

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Published on 06/24/2010 at Thu Jun 24 06:38.   11 Comments
Filed under Broncos Buzz

While the Broncos are negotiating with Elvis Dumervil over a long term deal, Champ Bailey has taken a back seat. Being the professional that he is though, Bailey hasn’t complained. “If Elvis isn’t getting a new deal now, no one is,”  Bailey said. “I can wait my turn. I will play out this year the […]

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Published on 06/23/2010 at Wed Jun 23 10:47.   22 Comments
Filed under Broncos Buzz

For as long as recent memory serves, the Broncos have run a 4-3 defense with success, up until about two years ago. After losing key defensive players such as Al Wilson and Trever Pryce, the Broncos 4-3 defense struggled, ranking second to last in the NFL in points allowed after allowing 448 points in the […]

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Published on 06/21/2010 at Mon Jun 21 22:43.   17 Comments
Filed under Denver Broncos

We are two days into the first Denver Broncos mandatory mini camp of the 2010 off-season. Gone is the drama for the team, there is no recent Jay Cutler controversy and no one’s worried about Brandon Marshall’s status any longer. Yet, what may be the biggest story out of this mini camp is the relatively […]

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Published on 06/12/2010 at Sat Jun 12 19:57.   15 Comments
Filed under Denver Broncos

Wow, great video credit to EDeChellis27 on Youtube… Came across this little ditty on my iPad, just kidding, iPads aren’t cool enough to see this. Shout out the HTML 5.0 and all mine. In all seriousness though, this will both bring you down, way down and then back up again. There’s much that has been […]

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Published on 05/12/2010 at Wed May 12 00:58.   12 Comments
Filed under Denver Broncos