Photo Courtesy Just wanted to drop a line this New Year’s Eve (really New Year’s Day now for me over in EST), to let you know that a crazy offseason for Denver has already started. Javon Walker ended a rambling press interview by saying that he didn’t want to be in Denver in 2008. Actually, […]
“Honestly, it feels worse than it did before I had surgery, so pretty much it’s not healed. It’s not healing at all.” — Rod Smith 12/28/07 Well, folks, the news we’ve be dreading all year has finally broke… Rod Smith’s hip is NOT healing and his announcement today that offseason surgery may include hip replacement […]
Now that we can begin talking about 2008, I want to be the first to BEG the future Ring of Famer, HOF contender and all-around Bronco-for-life captian Rod Smith to stay in the Orange and Blue in 2008. I understand that his WR days are likely over, but that doesn’t mean he can’t become a […]
Some Daily Links to get you going this Tuesday! Legwold has a very good article that includes a breakdown of how our opponents this season have targeted our backups as injuries have sidelined our starters. [Rocky Mountain News] “I’m hearing everything, and I don’t know anything.” — Travis Henry, on the pending league decision on […]
I know we all HATE to see our team lose. I understand that it’s gut-wrenching to watch the Raiders beat us. I get that Denver’s 5-7 sucks rocks. However, on Monday morning (after a good long cry on Sunday), I want to hear something positive about my Broncos. I’m not be optimistic. I’m not being […]
For anyone without a television, two men and two boys (all of them under 20 year’s old) were arrested this weekend for burglary and the murder of Washington Redskin safety Sean Taylor. I’m glad they got the people responsible, but this in no way lessens the senselessness of this tradegy. Several Broncos are heading to […]
Sorry, folks for not getting this up prior to the game. It was a frustrating game, and I wasn’t near a computer to blog this one (which was probably a good thing). What’s there to say about this game… * Cutler threw zero TD’s and two INT’s & a fumble. * Henry had less than […]
Oh, I remember them like it was yesterday… ur, em… I guess it WAS yeserday… “We’re not worried at all (about Devin Hester). We respect the hell out of him, don’t get us wrong. But we’re not going to go out there tiptoeing around. We’re not going to do it — That’s not Scott’s M.O. […]
Andre Hall finding a hole on Monday Night Football.Photo Courtesy (Joe Mahoney © The Rocky). The Denver Post is reporting that Andre Hall might actually get a shot at starting at RB this Sunday vs Chicago. After Friday’s practice Mike Shanahan said that Selvin Young did participate on a limited basis (although he did not […]
With our Turkey Day football coming up tomorrow, we’ll get these picks up today. For your entertainment I’ve once again take the liberty to give you my meaningless decision making process. And THIS week I have a guest decider with me. My six year old foster daughter Tia has agreed to help her dad out […]
Published on 12/31/2007 at Mon Dec 31 23:58. 4 Comments
Filed under Denver Broncos