Posted Thu Aug 11th by Mr.East

Bronco fans, we are only a limited amount of hours away from our precious preseason opener. I’m super stoked for this match up, so I’m doing this article real big. Time to name your starters and those who will also light up the show! Brace yourselves, it’s a long read.
QB: Kyle Orton, Tim Tebow, Brady Quinn
John Fox is no liar. Kyle Orton will play 12-15 snaps. In those snaps Orton will have a nice couple of throws here and there but will probably lead Denver to a field goal or two. I’m not expecting any touchdowns during game one and on the road.
After Orton’s showing Tim Tebow will come in (if Fox doesn’t want a mutiny from the fans) and most likely play until the mid-way or towards the end of the third quarter.
Brady Quinn will have the rest of the fourth quarter to himself. Adam Weber will most likely keep the bench nice and warm. Hey, there’s always game four buddy.
RB: Knowshon Moreno, Willis McGahee, Lance Ball, Lendale White, Jeremiah Johnson, Brandon Minor
Knowshon Moreno and Willis McGahee will likely play out the first half. Once that’s done, Lance Ball needs to be ready to be the preseason work horse at the running back position. There is no doubt that Ball can make the squad, he’s just going to have to earn it, and there is also no doubt he’ll try his hardest.
Lendale White may get some reps if he is healthy enough. Jeremiah Johnson should be slated for some fourth quarter action. C.J. Gable is a bit too fresh to get some reps and Brandon Minor didn’t practice before the Broncos left for Dallas, but he may heal up in time.
WR: Eric Decker, Matt Willis, David Anderson, D’Andre Goodwin, Britt Davis, Mark Dell, Jamel Hamler
Eddie Royal and Brandon Lloyd both sat out the last practice before leaving so I’m not certain if Fox will risk their safety. Royal and Lloyd are champs and they got nothin’ to prove to no one.
In the absence of the starting two, Eric Decker, Matt Willis, and David Anderson will take the starting three positions.
TE: Daniel Fells, Dan Gronkowski, Julius Thomas, Virgil Green, Donte Rosario
Both Daniel Fells and Dan Gronkowski may get the start, but Julius Thomas and Virgil Green will get all the fun. Richard Quinn is currently injured so he won’t probably see any time, which isn’t too good for someone on the bubble.
OL: Ryan Clady, Zane Beadles, J.D. Walton, Chris Kuper, Orlando Franklin, Herb Taylor, Russ Hochstein, Seth Olsen, Chris Clark, Stanley Daniels, Manny Ramirez, Jeff Byers, Adam Grant
After the starters leave it will the line up will probably look like (from left to right) Chris Clark, Stanley Daniels, Manny Ramirez, Russ Hochstein, and Herb Taylor. After that the Broncos should look to plug and play due to the lack of depth.
LDE: Robert Ayers, Jeremy Jarmon, Jason Hunter, David Veikune
Robert Ayers will leave after his 12-15 snaps and then Jeremy Jarmon will have to prove why Denver traded for him. FEX obviously saw something in Jarmon if they wanted him in the Jabar Gaffney trade. My guess is that Fox will give him a lot of play time this preseason.
Jason Hunter will see some plays in the third and fourth quarter and David Veikune may see some limited time as well.
DT: Brodrick Bunkley, Kevin Vikerson, Marcus Thomas, Ty Warren, Ryan McBean
This position is where the 12-15 starter snaps rule may be broken. With Louis Leonard and Mitch Unrein hurt the Broncos will be forced to play some of these guys more. Ryan McBean may play every quarter after the second.
RDE: Elvis Dumervil, Derrick Harvey, Jeremy Beal
John Fox will probably get Dumervil off the field as soon as possible. Once Dumervil departs Derrick Harvey will have the second and some of the third. Beal will come in during the fourth to try to make the squad.
SLB: Von Miller, Lee Robinson, Mike Mohamed
Von Miller will leave before the first quarter is over. Lee Robinson may be ahead of Mike Mohamed on the depth chart but Mohamed should see more playing time.
MLB: Joe Mays, Mario Haggan, A.J. Jones
Unfortunately Nate Irving is injured so he probably won’t play.
WLB: Wesley Woodyard, Braxton Kelley, Deron Mayo
D.J. Williams is still injuried so Woodyard will get the start on this one.
LCB: Champ Bailey, Cassis Vaughn, Perrish Cox, Chris Harris
Cassius Vaughn has had a great camp so he will see a decent amount of starting time.
RCB: Andre Goodman, Nate Jones, Syd’Quan Thompson, Brandon Bing
Syd’Quan Thompson sat out of the last practice before tonight’s game so he will most likely not play. However, since he’s had an amazing camp I will keep him in my lineup out of sheer hope.
SS: Brian Dawkins, Kyle McCarthy, Quinton Carter
It will be interesting to see how Coach Fox splits up the reps between McCarthy and Carter. In the end I think Carter will see more playing time due to the fact that he’s a rookie and Fox has some of his future invested in him.
FS: Rahim Moore, Darcel McBath, David Bruton
How cool is it going to be seeing Rahim Moore lined up next to Brian Dawkins? Every time you read about Moore, you’re just ecstatic to have him on your team. Moore is respectful and one hell of a player. I hope Moore stays in the game longer than the 12-15 snaps. Darcel McBath and David Bruton will have a lot to prove to make the roster. McBath, however has had a better camp and it doesn’t seem like Fox wants to keep Bruton around this season.
Peformers of the night
Tim Tebow, Jeremy Jarmon, Julius Thomas, Matt Willis, Mike Mohamed, Darcel McBath, and Lance Ball.
Phew! That was a whole lot to take in Denver fans. If there’s typos or grammatical errors in this one… sue me. What do you think? SPEAK UP! How will this preseason match go?
Published on 08/11/2011 at Thu Aug 11 15:44.
Tagged: A.J. Jones,Adam Grant,Andre Goodman,Brady Quinn,Brandon Bing,Brandon Minor,Braxton Kelley,Brian Dawkins,Britt Davis,Brodrick Bunkley,C.J. Gable,Cassis Vaughn,Champ Bailey,Chris Clark,Chris Harris,Chris Kuper,D'Andre Goodwin,Dan Gronkowski,Daniel Fells,Darcel McBath,David Anderson,David Bruton,David Veikune,Deron Mayo,Derrick Harvey,Donte Rosario,Elvis Dumervil,Eric Decker,Herb Taylor,J.D. Walton,Jamel Hamler,Jason Hunter,Jeff Byers,Jeremiah Johnson,Jeremy Beal,Jeremy Jarmon,Joe Mays,John Fox,Julius Thomas,Kevin Vikerson,Knowshon Moreno,Kyle McCarthy,Kyle Orton,Lance Ball,Lee Robinson,LenDale White,Manny Ramirez,Marcus Thomas,Mario Haggan,Mark Dell,Matt Willis,Mike Mohamed,Nate Irving,Nate Jones,Orlando Franklin,Perrish Cox,Quinton Carter,Rahim Moore,Robert Ayers,Russ Hochstein,Ryan Clady,Ryan McBean,Seth Olsen,SPEAK UP,Stanley Daniels,Syd'quan Thompson,Tim Tebow,Ty Warren,Virgil Green,Von Miller,Wesley Woodyard,Willis McGahee,Zane Beadles.