Posted Wed May 12th by Ian Henson

Kyle Orton is congratulated by fans after the Broncos win over the Chiefs. (REUTERS/Dave Kaup)
The thing we sports writers often forget about amongst our respected opinions and adoring fans is that we have neither…
And I’m not even a sports writer, I’m a sports blogger. That means you’ll drink with me, but only if I’m buying. Shout out to the seventy of you who join me during the game every Sunday!
Trade Kyle Orton? For what? A sixth or a seventh round in 2011? If we could be so lucky, Donovan McNabb was worth a third and a bag of chips. Orton was a consultation prize along with two first round picks, a year later we ended up with Brady Quinn anyway and Jason Campbell’s in Dante’s sixth ring of the hell often referred to as Oakland. I still think we should have gunned for Adrian Peterson in Minnesota; then we’d have shot out two birds with one stone. And one less Bus Cook client in the NFL, shout out to Tony Schefler.
So, here’s my opinion and it’s not worth much, Quinn may be better than Orton, but Tim Tebow’s not (at least right now). Chris Simms and Tom Brandstater both looked prolific in the 2009 preseason with Josh McDaniels calling the plays. We all saw what Simms did in the regular season and as incredible as that was, remember how horrific Orton looked in the preseason? It was the NFL’s equivalent of a sacrifice bunt. McDaniels threw Orton out to the wolves and the wolves were hungry. Orton learned a lesson and the Broncos went six and zero because of it.
You want my early prediction quarterback wise? Orton stays, Quinn stays, Brandstater stays. Tebow, of course stays. Orton plays the season, Quinn and Tebow may replace him, but either way Quinn is on the roster in 2011 just in case Tebow messes up. Tebow takes over in 2011.
Now that’s how I feel, yes it’s ludicrous for Denver to keep four quarterbacks on the team, but if one of those quarterbacks is Tebow and you’ve been paying attention to me at all… Then you’ll see why Denver would be willing to.
Published on 05/12/2010 at Wed May 12 01:42.
Tagged: Adrian Peterson,Brady Quinn,Chris Simms,Donovan McNabb,Jason Campbell,Kyle Orton,Tim Tebow,Tom Brandstater,Tony Schefler.