Posted Tue Aug 18th by Monty

Denver Broncos quarterback Kyle Orton (8) calls the play at the line of scrimmage against the San Francisco 49ers in the second quarter during their NFL preseason football game in San Francisco, Calif., Friday, Aug. 14, 2009. (AP Photo/Jeff Chiu)
That’s right, BT reader, the winner of each weekly Create-a-Caption now gets a prize! It’s like eating cereal, only better. We’ve got 21 Denver Broncos keychains to give out, courtesy of our friends at, and so starting now through the end of the regular season we’ll give one out to each winner each week. Sweet, no?
Misc. Rules: Enter as many captions as you like. If your humor can’t be contained and you win more than once, the prize will be given to a runner-up – more keychains for all! We also might throw in some non-prize create-a-caption posts from time to time, but those will be clearly marked as such.
With that said, Kyle Orton there is just begging for your wittiest, most cleverest caption in the comments. Last week’s winner (sorry, keychain prizes start for this week’s winner) after the jump!

Three twirls to the left with the whistle… and three right while reading the roster… five left while randomly assigning injuries… two right… pause… four quick right AND slap one back left…and dismount! TA-DA!
Now you try… - DHB
(AP Photo/David Zalubowski)
Estes2SD – McD “See this handâ€
Rick “Steady as a rockâ€
McD “Yeah… But this is my shooting handâ€
Mr. East – McDaniels: “I’m hip, I’m with it. **Does Macarina**. Come on, give your freakin head coach a hug.
Big V – “Oh Snap!!! who picked the music selection today? I Love this song.. and 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and Heeeeey Macarena Ahight!!!! Come on Rick its easy..â€
Boisebroncoguy – Come on, let’s play that “slap your hands†game again.
Published on 08/18/2009 at Tue Aug 18 14:38.
Tagged: Create-A-Caption,Josh McDaniels,Kyle Orton,LOLBroncos,Rick Dennison.