Posted Mon Apr 2nd by Monty

RaiderTalk - BroncoTalk's 2012 April Fool's joke - a satirical-yet-intrinsically nightmarish Oakland Raiders blog.
At 12:01 a.m. last night, April 1, 2012, BroncoTalk – Denver Broncos Blog and News transformed into a terrifying alternate reality: RaiderTalk.
April Fool’s… but there were quite a few negative reactions. We lost Twitter followers. We got a smattering of angry emails (some who said later they were April Fooling us themselves. Possible). We think some of those people actually weren’t reading, saw an Oakland Raiders logo, and flipped out.
Which is totally understandable.
The joke wasn’t on you, Broncos fans; it was on the Oakland Raiders. From Raiders relocation poll options (“I think the Raiders should go to Hell”) to Top 10 Coaches since 1995 (that’s one every 1.7 years) to copyright ownership of their deceased owner’s name, we covered the Oakland Raiders for a day the only way we could imagine: with a heavy dose of satire and self-mockery.
Here’s the rundown of posts from yesterday:
- Buzz: McNabb, Owens, Rice on Raiders’ Radar
- Top Five: Reasons Why Oakland Deserved AFC West Crown in 2011
- Better Draft Bust Salvage, Aaron Curry or Jarvis Moss?
- Top 2012 Draft Prospects, Based on 40 Times
- 2007 Draft Review: Where are they now?
- The 1983 Season: The Last Time We Won a Super Bowl, Damn You John Elway
- Top Five: Destinations for the Raiders
- Will the Oakland Raiders pursue Tim Tebow?
- Top Ten: Oakland Raiders Coaches Since 1995
- Film Room: RaiderTalk’s JaMarcus Russell Mix
- Broncos acquire rights to Al Davis
We had a ton of fun, but the day-long satire made us feel dirty, and it’s truly great to be back in the orange and blue. We’ll have a collection of reactions from comments, email and Twitter later today. In the meantime we bellow, as always, a hearty…
Published on 04/02/2012 at Mon Apr 02 00:01.
Tagged: BroncoTalk,Denver Broncos,Ill-Fated Attempts at Humor,LOLRaiders,Oakland Raiders,RaiderTalk.