Posted Mon Mar 18th by Ian Henson

Carter is currently in Haitin with the Mission of Hope organization.
“An absolute misunderstanding,” is what Andrew Leavitt, the Denver Broncos third year safety Quinton Carter’s defense attorney, is calling this ordeal.
“He was confused when he made the bet,” Leavitt told The Associated Press. “He didn’t know how to play the game. He wasn’t trying to cheat anyone.”
Carter was arrested on March 9th, in a Las Vegas casino when security officials say that they have him on video adding a $5 chip to three bets after the dice had already rolled. For that he faces three felony charges of committing a fraudulent act in a gaming establishment. Each of the three charges carries a maximum sentence of six years in prison and a $10,000 fine.
A North Las Vegas judge has postponed action on the case until April 18th, the 2013 NFL Draft will begin on April 25th.
On top of those three charges, there is a warrant charging him with failure to complete counseling after a 2011 misdemeanor marijuana possession case from 2011. Leavitt said that the counseling was completed, but that Carter never turned in proof to the court. Also pointing out that he has since taken an extra counseling course in hopes that the charge will be dropped.
Carter is currently in Haiti passing out food to families that are poverty stricken, orphans and people who are still being effected by the 2010 earthquake. The trip was organized by former NFL kicker Jay Feely through Kelli Masters Management and Mission of Hope.
Published on 03/18/2013 at Mon Mar 18 18:23.
Tagged: Denver Broncos,Jay Feely,Mission of Hope,Quinton Carter.