Posted Tue Apr 26th by Mr.East

Colts quarterback Peyton Manning, right, and Saints quarterback Drew Brees meet after the Colts won 41-10. Manning and Brews are two of the biggest players in the lockout case.
Your wittiest, most cleverest captions in the comments and your winners from last time after the jump.

Winner: flbronc– “I’m taking your ball and going home.”
Runner-up: stuckinraiderland
“Looks like the Broncos have finally found a solution for their running game problems. You know what they say, the best offense is a good defense… hey, wait a minute..”Second-runner up: – dogheadbrewÂ
Published on 04/26/2011 at Tue Apr 26 06:10.
Tagged: Create-A-Caption,NFL Lockout.