Posted Fri Apr 1st by Mr.East

Quarterback Tim Tebow #15 of the Denver Broncos eludes a sack attempt by defensive end Antonio Smith #94 of the Houston Texas at INVESCO Field at Mile High on December 26, 2010 in Denver, Colorado. (Doug Pensinger/Getty Images)
I hope you like creating many haiku (yes, that’s the plural, I Binged it) because I’m starting a series called Heroic Haiku.
Every week I’ll have a new topic to haiku about. If you don’t know how a haiku works, fret not, it’s a three line poem that follows a 5-7-5 syllable structure.
The winner of each week will be enshrined in the Heroic Hall of Haiku.
This week’s topic? Tim Tebow. I’ll kick each article with one of my own.
He sells jerseys fast
Tebow is built to outlast
I wear jockey now.
– Mr. East
Do you think you can beat that Tebow fans?
Published on 04/01/2011 at Fri Apr 01 12:39.
Tagged: Heroic Haiku,Tim Tebow.