Posted Sun Dec 12th by Ian Henson

Former Pittsburgh Steelers head coach Bill Cowher is reportedly weighing his options for next season. (AP File Photo)
Dear Mr. Pat Bowlen and Mr. Joe Ellis,
Before you go and sign someone to coach the Denver Broncos that most of your season ticket holders, fans and supporters will have to Google to figure out who he is, I implore you, I beg you two to sign Bill Cowher as soon as possible to be the head coach of the Broncos.
Mr. Bowlen, the story of how you practically stalked, snuck into the San Francisco 49ers hotel and courted Mike Shanahan prior to hiring him to replace Wade Phillips is legendary. You knew who the team needed, you even had the patience to wait a season or two for him. As soon as it became within the rules of signing him you were there to meet with him and you signed him. Three years later Denver had the city’s first of two Super Bowl victories.
Cowher is someone you know well. He’s given you fits whether it be as the defensive coordinator of the Kansas City Chiefs under Marty Schottenheimer or as the head coach of the Pittsburgh Steelers. One Super Bowl win, six AFC Championships, 161-99-1 (including 12-9 in the playoffs) overall record, and he’s the only coach since Paul Brown to go to the playoffs in each of his first six seasons as coach in NFL history.
For every Red Miller, Dan Reeves and Shanahan, there is a Lou Saban, Phillips or Josh McDaniels. In Denver history, the Broncos under you, Mr. Bowlen, are famous for never having two consecutive losing seasons– Cowher’s had three in his entire career. His career record is better than even Shanahan’s was when he was let go.
Mr. Bowlen, when you let Shanahan go and brought in McDaniels you stated that you wanted to change the direction of your team; well, we all stumble and some times fall down. It’s finally December 31st, 2008 again; it’s time to get up. Bring in Coach Cowher by any means necessary. You’ve only got a couple more shots at making a run at this thing; bring in the biggest weapon you can find. You’ve built one of the greatest organizations in pro sports, a place where players are proud to play and coaches are proud to coach. What else do we need?
All the Best,
A Fan.
Published on 12/12/2010 at Sun Dec 12 05:00.
Tagged: Bill Cowher,Dan Reeves,Head Coach,Ian Henson,Joe Ellis,Josh McDaniels,Lou Saban,Marty Schottenheimer,Mike Shanahan,Pat Bowlen,Red Miller,Top Stories,Wade Phillips.