Posted Tue Nov 9th by Jon Heath

Denver Broncos quarterback Tim Tebow talks to the media following the morning session of the first day of NFL football training camp at Broncos headquarters in Englewood, Colo., Sunday, Aug. 1, 2010. (AP Photo/Jack Dempsey)
Denver Broncos rookie quarterback Tim Tebow announced yesterday that he’ll be writing a memoir to be released next April.
HarperCollins will publish the book, which will be titled “Through My Eyes”.
Tebow’s much publicized life is one of the most inspirational stories in American sports. He captivated the country with his relentless will to succeed on the field and his passion for others. The memoir will reveal how this remarkable young man constantly strives to be the best, has always overcome the odds and how he has managed to do so while remaining true to his faith and family values.
Isn’t it kinda early to write a book though? Granted, he’s had an inspiring life and college career, but writing his book now gives the impression that he is satisfied with what’s he has accomplished. Which is fine, he’s done incredible things in college and assuredly has plenty to write about. But shouldn’t he wait to write his memoir till he’s proven himself–or at least even played a season–in the NFL? What if the books comes out in April and in May he’s named the starter? Will he then write another book? Perhaps, “Through My Eyes 2.0”.
Maybe that’s the reason he is writing it now. If he doesn’t have a successful career in the National Football League, who would want to buy a book about a first round draft bust? Being the confident guy that he is though, it seems unlikely Tim’s planning for anything less than success as a pro. Perhaps his ultimate plan is to write two books, two books will bring in more revenue than one.
With all that said, I’ll be among the first to buy and read the book. Still, writing a book about his life before he’s even attempted a pass in the NFL is premature, no?
Tim Tebow’s Official Memoir Through My Eyes To Be Published April 2o11 [Tim Tebow Foundation]
Published on 11/09/2010 at Tue Nov 09 10:29.
Tagged: National Football League,NFL Draft,Through My Eyes,Tim Tebow,Tim Tebow Foundation.