Posted Sun Oct 3rd by J. Kenneth K.
We’re out of coffee.

The best part of waking up on Sundays.
I should not be up at this hour. We’re out of coffee, so I’m up, waiting for the grocery store down the street to open. I remember as a child being up early hours (it was fun back then), specifically waking early enough to spend time with my parents in the kitchen before they left for work. Lights were dim, barely lights at all, voices were soft, and coffee was trickling. My dad takes his black, my mom with milk and sugar. I remember taking sips, and for the life of me, I couldn’t understand why someone would choose to digest the bitter fuel. But it was cool. Now here, in the apartment I reside during my adult years, we also run on filled cups. It set’s the tone for the rest of the day, a good cup of coffee does. Gets things moving, it does. After a good cup of coffee, a lot of things have to go wrong to challenge my day. A good cup of coffee is to a good day, like a Broncos win is to a great week. I’m planning on getting both today.
Today is time to make this official. The Denver Broncos have the number one passing offense (350yds per game) in the NFL going into the game against the Titans. The Titans have the 5th best passing defense in the league, allowing only 178 yards per game. Seems like a test.
KO’ s second year in the system has brought a bit skewed of progress though.
Success with consistently moving the ball: check.
Score touchdowns: not so much yet.
Today, against what looks to be a sturdy defense, the Broncos wide outs need to find the end zone, early and often. The Four Horsemen should take it upon themselves to put points up on the board; any reliance on the rushing game is over. The offense is now run through the air. And that’s not to say we won’t find a substantial ground game at some point this season, of course we’ll continue trying to rush the ball to set up the pass. But, I bet you five dollars we finish towards bottom in rushing this year. Putting up the passing yards, spreading the ball & moving the chain is great! With the addition of such a novel idea as scoring points AND coming home victorious from Tennessee, we may be witnessing the beginning of Kyle Orton and the Four Horsemen’s long reign at the top of the NFL passing pile.

Giving opponents nightmares.

I'd rather continue my Darius Watts night terrors.
How cruel, I woke from vicious nightmares (have you ever see the Aphex Twin video Come to Daddy? It was like that, but all the freaky little kids had Chris Johnson’s head) too early to purchase coffee, and now I’m forced to sit here within this bubble of numb. I’m running on fumes here folks. Completely drained and in desperate need of a hot stone massage, or a back that doesn’t hurt. Wouldn’t hurt to have more than this crumpled up five-dollar bill in my wallet too, but that’s a whole nother mess all together. I should put this beer down. Cheers to the Broncos giving me any bit of inspiration.
A life could come and go like this.
Although, I do like the color orange, it makes me think of pumpkins, and fall leaves. I should go for a jog. Or eat a bowl of ice cream. HAHAHAHA….life.
It makes me think of this:
Am I the only one to consider buying an orange Ford Bronco? Just because it’s an orange Bronco?
Hey, here’s a question I’d like to as you’ins: Does anyone have any money riding on the game? Or to simplify it, who are the optimists out there?
I mean the Broncos have shown juuuuuust enough to give us morons some sort of faith in their ability to win a ballgame.
There’s this guy where I work, Eddie. He’s a Jet’s fan, or maybe a Giant’s fan, I can’t tell. He’s one of those guys. He likes football, or maybe he just likes betting. He certainly likes the idea of taking money from me. So he proposes bets against the Broncos. After week one I paid him, and of course after week two, he reluctantly anted up. I didn’t accept the bet last week, because, ya know, that whole Peyton Manning thing. We shook hands yesterday. I’m fairly confident that we’re going to keep exchanging the same five-dollar bill all season long.
All right, off to get the beans. Then home to brew the beans. Then gonna drink the bean juice; I take mine with milk and sugar. Then gonna take the Browns to the Super Bowl. Then off to watch the Broncos win a regular season game. Have a good cup of coffee BT family, and hopefully a great week.
(Go Broncos + Giddy Blokes)
Published on 10/03/2010 at Sun Oct 03 07:44.
Tagged: Brandon Llyod,Chris Johnson,Demaryius Thomas,Eddie Royal,Jabar Gaffney,Kyle Orton.