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Published on 03/17/2008 at Mon Mar 17 13:22.
Tagged: ,,,.

If you’ve been reading my comments for sometime now, you’ll notice that I’m a big fan of the Kissing Suzy Kolber Blog. (18+) It covers the NFL in a completely immature, unpolitically correct, vulgar, and absolutely hilarious manner. I especially love the way they speak for Patriots fans and Marmalard aka Phillip Rivers. So I’m browsing through my bookmarks trying to wake up this morning when I come upon this little gem…

The KSK Real NFL Mascot Kill Kill Kill Invitational Tournament

They’re basically running a March madness “dumbest bracket of all” (their words) you can print out and follow along with. They’re going to be pitting each team’s mascots against each other in an octogon of death. We vote on each round to decide the winner. Reading this bit, I haven’t laughed this hard at an internet post in a good while. While we’re being given basically no chance in this thing and I can’t necessarily argue with that. I still like to think that a Bronco would totally tear it up on a football field, I think all those Budweiser commercials have made me delusional. I thought I would still direct you to this monstrosity.

Our lovely division:

25. Colt
26. Bronco
27. Charger (I did NOT know a Charger was a kind of horse before “researching” for this)

So do your best, or in my case your worst Broncos fans!

  • mikebirty

    We’re much more civilised this side of the atlantic – we just make our mascots race once a year (you can even bet on)

    Cricket team masctos – the previous year one of the mascots cheated by wearing trainers

    Soccer team mascots – there was some controversy when it was uncovered that one of the men in the mascot costume had been replaced by an international athlete

  • Josh Temple

    We’re getting killed 137 to 18 this morning. Of all creatures we had to get the Bear in the first round. At least give us a a Colt, Cardinal, or Seachicken to start with.

  • Kyle

    I don’t think we had a choice to begin with, but when they chose to illustrate our matchup between the Bears and Broncos with a picture of a ferocious bear roaring in your face and a cartoon horse, well…

  • Josh Temple

    I’m enjoying the Viking 49er preview…