Denver Broncos blog, news and rumors


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Published on 12/03/2007 at Mon Dec 03 12:41.

  • For anyone without a television, two men and two boys (all of them under 20 year’s old) were arrested this weekend for burglary and the murder of Washington Redskin safety Sean Taylor. I’m glad they got the people responsible, but this in no way lessens the senselessness of this tradegy. Several Broncos are heading to Miami for the services (Nate Webster who worked out in the off-season with Taylor, D.J. Williams and Chris Myers who played at Miami with him and fullback Cecil Sapp who grew up with Taylor). [ESPN story & Video]
  • And speaking of legal matters, Denver’s third string QB Darrell Hackney applogized after the game for his arrest on Saturday for suspicion of drunk driving – anyone have BVP’s number? [Denver Post]
  • Travis Henry played though his knee injury when Selvin Young went out, but he doesn’t blame the injury for the turnover. [ & Denver Post]
  • And, as expected, there are a slew of articles all of the place on the horrible state of the Broncos. The Denver Post leads off with Woody Page’s positive article titled: “This game was one obscene mess” , Kliz says “the football team is dead” and even the Rocky Mountain News gets in on the Broncos-bashing with a nice article called “Broncos showed their worth . . . and it wasn’t much”. They also confirm that our playoff hopes are dimming – Really?! I hadn’t noticed.
  • vic johnson

    Hall is the way to go!!!!!!!! Believe