Posted Thu Apr 21st by Mr.East

Cam Newton - Courtesy of Todd Van Emst
Here we go again, another haiku for you. And yes, another Haiku hero has emerged.
This week’s topic? The QB Smokescreen, or if you believe otherwise, What QB Smokescreen?
Like always, I’ll take the first crack at it.
April 28th
Blaine Gabbert, Cameron Newton?
Defensive mind please
Think you can beat that? Try it after the jump.
Like last week, you guys brought it to the table again, but the winner was…
Last Week’s Haiku Hero
You are lucky Jay
That I even let you live
After what you pulled
Congratulations gavmorr, you are now a Haiku Hero.
Published on 04/21/2011 at Thu Apr 21 10:12.
Tagged: Heroic Haiku.