Posted Sat Oct 31st by Monty

Chicago Bears quarterback Jay Cutler (6) clowns around prior to their NFL football game against the Atlanta Falcons at the Georgia Dome in Atlanta Sunday, Oct. 18, 2009. (AP Photo/Dave Martin)
Your wittiest, most cleverest captions in the comments. (Obviously this guy is a divisive figure, so keep it clean and we can all have fun with it!). Winner gets a Denver Broncos keychain! Last time’s winner after the jump.
Winner: dogheadbrew
Runners up:
broncofanindallas: eeny meeny miney mo,
a temper tantrum I will throw
yes the ravens we will beat
because they come close to my feet
I will moan and get the call
after all it’s not football
It’s a reality show and I’m the man
If I can’t do it, no one can
we beat you on our way to become undefeated
but everyone knows it’s because bill cheated
a foul will be called, a tuck will be ruled
we will win regardless, and you’ve all been fooled
jonkrause: With pain on his face, Tom Brady quotes: “He hit my knee!”
Jeremy Bridgman: “Hey Bill! Make sure you get these guys on tape! We can sell the video to the Bengals before Sunday.”
ted: TB: Hey look guys its Josh… Hi Josh! I miss ya buddy.
Rest of the offense: Tom will you shut up and hike the ball we know its Josh.
T-Money: Come on REF! PAY ATTENTION! (Ed note: I got it, think Josh McD mic’d up).
denverfanindallas: “If I could……..just…..hit……..the……….reset………..button………..I haven’t saved since before the Jet’s loss…..”
Published on 10/31/2009 at Sat Oct 31 11:30.
Tagged: Create-A-Caption,Jay Cutler,LOLBears,LOLPatriots,Tom Brady.