Posted Mon Jul 13th by Monty

Kyle Orton: Denver Broncos starting quarterback (AP Photo/David Zalubowski)
Kyle Orton. Denver Broncos quarterback. I didn’t think I’d ever say those words in the same sentence.
To be honest, I didn’t know what to think about Orton. I didn’t know a lot about him – at least, beyond what a general NFL fan knew. I knew he won a lot of games for the Chicago Bears as a rookie. I knew he got benched in the playoffs that year. I knew he stayed on the bench as a backup until last season, where he won the starting job from Rex Grossman in training camp and had an up-and-down season. To use a word I’m preemptively trying to prevent Woody Paige from abusing, he was merely Orton-ary.
Like many (but not all) of you, I was upset over losing Jay Cutler. Maybe “upset” doesn’t quite do that justice. I was livid. And because of that, I’ve been festering a predisposition against Orton from Day One. He wasn’t my feisty strong-armed quarterback.
(Not to mention I only buy one jersey a year, and I own two Jay Cutler jerseys. Do the math.)
It’s fair to say I didn’t like Kyle Orton one bit.
Of course, I recognized this. I have a passion for the Broncos that goes beyond one player, and decided I owed it to myself, my team, and my readers to take a closer look at #8. Hence, Kyle Orton Week – my attempt to address this prejudice against our new signal-caller and formulate a well-reasoned, educated opinion on the man.
I decided I would break down highlights. I would read scouting reports and scour through articles both good and bad. I surfed the Bears fan forums, and talked to other Broncos fans who have an opinion on the guy. I tried to become a Kyle Orton expert.
Now it’s time for me to share my newfound knowledge with you. Over the next 5+ days, I’ll be posting different pieces on Orton – the good, the bad, the ugly; his upside, his downside; and everything in between. I hope you, the reader, can take what I found and formulate your own opinion. And then I’ll share mine.
So as we travel the road to training camp now less than three weeks away, come along this little side path of mine as I put our starting quarterback under the microscope. A huge part of our Broncos’ success this year depends on him.
I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed making it.
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