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Published on 10/08/2008 at Wed Oct 08 12:58.
Tagged: ,,,,.

Jacksonville Jaguars QB David Garrard (Getty Images)
Jags QB David Garrard (Getty Images)

Your wittiest, most cleverest captions in the comments.

Yesterday’s winner – Boisebroncoguy:

Running back Travis Henry
oops…I forgot I couldn’t drink it through my nose… my bad.

Remember to leave your caption for the top photo. Happy captioning!

Editor’s Note: If you were offended by the Travis Henry create-a-caption yesterday, I apologize. Just to be clear, these Create-a-Captions are a way for people to have fun. Yes, this site is about football, but that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy a friendly laugh between fellow fans. Anyone and anything is fair game. At the end of the day, I posted a picture of Henry drinking water. That’s it. The point is to encourage funny captions, but I also need to remind everyone that the BT staff is not responsible for the contents of those comments. You guys are the one who make it funny. Be sure to follow our Comments Policy and it’s all fair game. Thanks for a moment of your time, on to today’s C-a-C!